KSW BIOENERGIE GMBH · Mainzer Str. 143, D-53179 Bonn  |  +49 (0) 228 98 77 00  |  info@ksw-bioenergie.de

- Innovative, economical system concept with proven technology and industrially tested, operationally reliable main and auxiliary components.
- High availability, low maintenance costs, high electrical system efficiency
- World's only "hybrid energy plant" as a decentralized combination of power plant and biorefinery
- Sustainable, climate-neutral products: 
- Electricity
- Heat/cold
- Bio-fuels
- Bio-OME as diesel substitute
- Bio-gasoline as gasoline substitute
- Exclusive, highly flexible use of regional carbon resources (e.g., NONFOOD biomass).
- Controllable and weather-independent baseload and peak-load capability with very fast load change.
- Significant contribution to grid stability as a complement to volatile renewables such as wind and solar
- Very high GHG savings potential, with lowest investment cost per ton of CO2 saved in energy conversion.
- No harmful emissions, residual materials requiring disposal, or environmentally hazardous waste products.
- Tars are used as fuel in the form of pyrolysis oil in the low-speed 2-stroke marine diesel engine with manufacturer's warranty and completely eliminated.

KSW Bioenergie GmbH
Mainzer Str. 143
D-53179 Bonn

Fon: +49 (0) 228 98 77 00
Fax: +49 (0) 228 98 77 020


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