KSW BIOENERGIE GMBH · Mainzer Str. 143, D-53179 Bonn  |  +49 (0) 228 98 77 00  |  info@ksw-bioenergie.de


OME – Fuel of the future

Due to globalization and the change in storage concepts (JiT), transport costs and thus fuel consumption and GHG emissions are increasing worldwide. This leads to higher CO2 concentrations in the air and thus to an acceleration of the greenhouse effect. Therefore, the use of climate-friendly biofuels is of vital interest to mankind and an essential issue in the fight against climate change.
Bio-OME is the climate-friendly concept for diesel fuel, as the properties of OME largely correspond to those of diesel fuel. It can be used without modifications to the engine and can be blended with existing fossil fuels without any problems. It burns completely soot-free and with up to 90% nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction. At the same time, the advantages of the mature combustion engine and the existing filling station network can still be used. Thus, the use of OME can be an immediate and efficient measure against climate change already in the transition period to fully electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles.

OME as a 2nd generation biofuel can become an essential climate protection component in the field of mobility in terms of sustainability and CO2 savings potential. Climate-neutral OME is expected to play an important role in the decarbonization of fuels.

In the KSW process, a wide variety of organic materials are used to produce OME as a second-generation biofuel, but always exclusively non-food materials. 
BIO-OME produced in KSW climate protection plants is absolutely CO2-neutral due to the regional biomass used and can only be produced as a "green" fuel at competitive and marketable prices using the patented KSW Process®.

The KSW Process® is the only process in the world that can be used to produce Bio-OME on a decentralized basis.
KSW is a member of the DIN technical committee for the standardization of OME as a standard fuel (DIN 51699).

KSW Bioenergie GmbH
Mainzer Str. 143
D-53179 Bonn

Fon: +49 (0) 228 98 77 00
Fax: +49 (0) 228 98 77 020


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