KSW BIOENERGIE GMBH · Siebengebirgsblick 28, 53343 Wachtberg  |  +49 (0) 228 98 77 00  |  info@ksw-bioenergie.de



In the decentralized KSW climate protection plants, climate-friendly electricity is produced as the main product. With more than 8,000 annual production hours, it is capable of meeting base load requirements and can be regulated at the same time. As a result, it has a grid-stabilizing effect and is an ideal supplement to volatile power generation from wind and solar (with an average of approx. 1,000 h/a solar and approx. 2,750 h/a wind hours annually), which are to be expanded even more in the future.
Thus, even with the better utilization of the electrolysis plants by "green" control power from KSW climate protection plants during periods of low wind and low sun as well as during "dark slack", an economically and ecologically sensible production of climate-neutral "green" hydrogen is ensured and the high CO2 savings potential of wind and solar energy can be fully exploited.

The installed electrical capacity is between 10 MWel and 50 MWel per line, the electrical efficiency is approx.
40 % and is thus far above that of other processes. This means that out of 100 kg of feedstock, 40 kg is converted into electricity.

If biogenic residual and waste materials are used, as is the case in almost all KSW projects, the electricity generated is sustainably CO2-neutral. 
KSW climate protection plants are in every respect a fully-fledged substitute for climate-damaging natural gas and coal-fired power plants.

KSW Bioenergie GmbH
Siebengebirgsblick 28
53343 Wachtberg
Fon: +49 (0) 228 98 77 00
Fax: +49 (0) 228 98 77 020


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