KSW BIOENERGIE GMBH · Mainzer Str. 143, D-53179 Bonn  |  +49 (0) 228 98 77 00  |  info@ksw-bioenergie.de


In the decentralized KSW bioenergy plants, electricity is produced as the main product. The installed electrical capacity is between 10 MWel and 50 MWel per line, the electrical efficiency is approx. 40 % and is thus far above that of other processes. This means that out of 100 kg of feedstock, 40 kg is converted into electricity.
If biogenic residual and waste materials are used, as is the case in almost all KSW projects, the electricity generated is sustainably CO2-neutral. 


In addition to electricity, heat is generated in KSW climate protection plants. This heat is generated as waste heat during the process and is available as high-temperature heat (HTW - > 90 °C) and low-temperature heat (NTW - < 90 °C). 
Process steam is generated from the HTW, which can be delivered to a nearby heat consumer and/or drive a steam turbine, thereby producing additional electricity.
The NTW is primarily used to dry the feedstock in a low-temperature dryer. 


From the high-temperature heat starting at approx. 130 °C, refrigeration down to - 60 °C can be generated in an absorption refrigeration machine, also known as a "thermal compressor". Since the thermal energy is available as waste heat, the electrical input is very low, since only the circulation pumps for the refrigerant need to be driven. In this case, the electricity saving compared to a compression refrigeration machine is approx. 75 %.

OME – Polyoxymethylendimethylether

Worldwide, globalization and changes in storage concepts (JiT) are increasing transport requirements and thus fuel consumption and GHG emissions. This leads to higher carbon dioxide concentrations in the air and thus to an acceleration of the greenhouse effect. Therefore, the use of biofuels is of vital interest to humanity and a key issue in combating climate change.

Tighter emission standards are only a blunt weapon in the fight against GHG emissions. Any further reduction in particulate matter (PM) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) comes at a disproportionate cost and effort. 

This cost-intensive exhaust gas aftertreatment for diesel engines can be reduced to a minimum by OME, since OME already prevents the formation of soot particles within the engine. Due to these climate-friendly properties and the proven reduction of soot and nitrogen oxide emissions, oxymethylene ethers (OME, CH3[OCH2]nOCH3) are attracting great interest in the fuel sector.  

GHG reductions can already be achieved by blending first-generation biofuels, such as biodiesel or hydrogenated vegetable oils. However, these compete with agricultural use and food production.

In contrast, the CSW process for producing OME as a second-generation biofuel uses a variety of organic materials, but always exclusively non-food materials. 

The use of OME is the forward-looking concept for diesel fuel, since the properties of OME3-5 are largely the same as those of diesel fuel and offer the additional advantages of reducing exhaust gas values in terms of particulate emissions and the correlating nitrogen oxide emissions. At the same time, the advantages of the mature internal combustion engine and the existing filling station network can still be utilized.

As a rule, OME can be used as a biofuel without modifications to the engine and can be blended with existing fossil fuels without any problems. For example, an OME-diesel blend obtained in this way with up to 14% OME enables a reduction in soot particles of over 40% and a reduction in nitrogen oxides of around 18%. If 100% OME is used, nitrogen oxides can be reduced by up to 90%!

OME as a 2nd generation biofuel can become an essential climate protection component in the field of mobility in terms of sustainability and CO2 savings potential. 
Biofuels are a "by-product" of the KSW Process® and therefore allow cost-effective production at competitive prices.

The KSW Process® is the only process in the world that can produce bio-OME on a decentralized basis.

KSW Bioenergie GmbH
Mainzer Str. 143
D-53179 Bonn

Fon: +49 (0) 228 98 77 00
Fax: +49 (0) 228 98 77 020


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